As developers or programmers, call yourself anyone. As long as you write code there is often one thing that gets overlooked. Testing. Testing is that part of development where you’re suppose to rigorously test your applications to ensure that they meet the required functionalities.

Let’s start of with why we even do testing in the first place:

  1. The need for less manual testing. Because the test cases are pre-written, there is no real reason to conduct manual testing anymore. Most times, especially with large applications you have to run through a lot of stages in the software to test if a certain feature works. This could be avoided with testing. Imagine having to use certain inputs every time your application runs. With testing this would be inputted automatically over each run.
  2. Allows for better structure of your code. It is of a best practice to create your test cases before development. This forces you to think of the system as a whole before you start developing.
  3. Allows for faster testing in long run. When coding, the implementation of a function can change however, the output remains the same. Instead of manually testing this every time a function’s implementation changes, you can simply implement specific test cases that can run multiple test cases at a time.

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Python Testing
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