This is a different article for me since I usually write technical articles about ReactPWAs, or web performance.

Ever since I started writing this blog, I started looking around for other blogs that produce high-quality content that interests me.

The blogs I mention aren’t run by huge businesses that crunch out a dozen articles every day, but rather real people who publish articles on topics they are passionate about. I didn’t order the list in any way.

Without further ado, here are my top ten web developer blogs in 2020:

Florin Pop

Topics: JavaScript, Web Development, Programming Challenges

Florin writes articles and makes videos on JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. In his content, he explains basic concepts and makes tutorials that are suited for beginners as well as for more advanced programmers.

Something special about his blog and videos is, that he seems to be obsessed with challenges, his most famous one being about building 100 projects in 100 days. It’s very entertaining and inspiring to read, so I recommend you check it out.

Addy Osmani

Topics: Web Performance, Google Chrome, Productivity

Addy is part of the Chrome team at Google and has established himself as an authority on web performance. He writes about new features of the Google Chrome DevTools, web performance, and productivity.

#review #web developer #pwas

Top 10 Web Developer Blogs in 2020
1.30 GEEK