Recently, AWS introduced a new Workflow Studio for its Step Functions offering. Through the AWS Management Console, developers can now access a visual builder to create Step Functions workflows.

AWS Step Functions is a serverless function orchestrator that makes it easy to sequence AWS Lambda functions and multiple AWS services into business-critical applications. Since its release in December 2016, developers have, according to an AWS Compute  blog post, been building Step Functions workflows with  Amazon States Language (ASL) to orchestrate multiple services into business-critical applications.

With Workflow Studio, developers now have a drag-and-drop interface, allowing them to build orchestration workflows quickly. Moreover, the workflow steps appear as a series of interconnected boxes in the Workflow Studio interface, and developers can customize each processing step via a low-code menu. Furthermore, the state is configured using editable forms, and the workflow ASL definition can be exported for further editing in the console or local integrated development environment (IDE) of the developer.


Workflow Studio does not only target developers, but business users and non-technical people can also use it. For example, they can create placeholders for AWS Lambda functions and other service integrations using the drag-and-drop interface – and the resources do not need to exist before designing the workflow. Furthermore, once a workflow is prototyped, they can save and continue to edit in the console or hand over the ASL definition to a developer, who can continue in an IDE like Visual Code. Subsequently, the developer can incorporate the ASL definition into an infrastructure as code (IaC) template.

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AWS Introduces a New Workflow Studio for AWS Step Functions
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