Watch the webinar “Best Practices for Securing Your Mobile Apps” to get some tips and tricks on NativeScript security!
Today we’re happy to announce support for Jscrambler in NativeScript apps. Jscrambler is a premium security tool that transforms the JavaScript in your application to make it extremely difficult to reverse engineer.
In this article we’ll look at why you might want to use Jscrambler, how it works, and how you can integrate the tool into your own NativeScript apps. Let’s start by looking at why Jscrambler might be a good fit for your applications.

Why Jscrambler?
In NativeScript, you write your application logic in JavaScript. And because JavaScript is not a compiled language, your NativeScript application’s source code gets distributed in plain text as part of your Android and iOS application packages. If you dig into the platforms folder, you’ll find the plain text source code that ships with your NativeScript apps—code that malicious users have the potential to find as well.

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Protecting Your Source Code with Jscrambler
1.45 GEEK