What is MuleSoft?

MuleSoft is an integration platform for connecting enterprise and SaaS applications in the cloud and on-premise.

List types of variables in MuleSoft

Types of variables in MuleSoft are:

Flow Variable: It is used to either set or removes variables tied to a particular message in the current flow.
Record Variable: It is used for batch processing flows.
Session Variable: This variable is used to either set or remove variables tied to a particular message for the complete lifecycle.

What are the various types of messages in MuleSoft?

Various types of messages in MuleSoft are: 1) echo and log message, 2) bridge message, and 3) build message.

Explain Mule ESB

Mule ESB is an architecture developed for programmers. They can integrate a range of applications together using the bus-like infrastructure. Mule ESB can be integrated with HTTP, web service, JMS, etc. For more info Mule Training

What is fan-in?

Fan-in helps in taking a decision to continue flow execution. It be used in combination with fan out.

What is a fan-out?

Fan out is primitive that can be used to input messages through the output terminal once or more than one time. It can also be used as a combination of both fan-out and fan-in.

Mention the features of Mule ESB

The features of Mule ESB are:

Offer SLA (Service Level Agreement) monitoring and API management facility.
It has easy to use and drag and drop graphical design.
Mule ESB provides high scalability.
It enables developers to deploy in one click cloud or on-premise deployments.

Mention the basic principles of ESB Integration

The basic principles of ESB integration are:

Transportation: It negotiates between different formats like JDBC, HTTP, JMS, etc.
Transformation: It deals with the transportation of data between data formats needed by the ESP connector.
Non-functional consistency: It is the way of how monitoring and security policies are applied and should be consistent.
Mediation: It involves offering different interfaces to:
Enables different channels to the same component implementation.
Support various service versions for backward compatibility.

What is Mule Expression Language?

MEL or Mule Expression Language is a light-weight mule specific language that can be used to access and evaluate data in the payload.

List various types of endpoints in Mule ESB

Various types of Endpoints in Mule are 1) JMS, 2) HTTP, 3) SMTP, 4) IMAP, and 5) AJAX.

What is the full form of SDO?

The full form of SDO is a Service Data Object. Get more skills from Mulesoft Online Training

Mention different types of Exception Handling

Different types of exception handlings are:

Rollback exception handling.
Default exception handling.
Catch exception handling.
Global exception handling.
Choice exception handling.

What are the advantages of using ESB?

The advantages of using ESB are:

It offers a high level of the operational controlling facility from the portal that is based on the web.
ESB provides numerous connectivity options using SaaS-based applications.
It provides API and analytics management.
ESB is equipped with numerous bug fixing and automated testing facilities.
EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)/B2B (business to business) integration.
Batch integration feature using real-time integration methods.

What is a transient context?

Transient context is used to pass the values within the existing flow, either requesting flow or the responding flow.

What is Mule Transformer?

Mule transformer is an event instance that refers to a library, org.mule.api.MuleEvent. This object carries the message with the event. The main aim of the Mule transformer is to create a chain of transformers.

What is API?

API is the acronym for Application Programming Interface. It is a software interface that allows two applications to interact with each other without any user intervention.

APIs provides product or service to communicate with other products and services without having to know how they’re implemented. Get certification course from Mulesoft Certification

What are the features of API?

Here are some essential features of API:

Wider reach
Data ownership
Easy integration with GUI
Time effective

What is the payload in MuleSoft?

The payload is a mule runtime variable that stores objects or arrays. It helps developers to access payload under different forms.

What are the various parts of composing a message in Mule?

Different parts of composing a message in Mule are:

Properties: it contains the header or meta-information or header similar to the SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) message.
Payload: It is the main data context carried by a particular message.
Multiple name attachments: It provides support for multiple messages or payload that occurs during event processing.

Mention flow processing strategies in MuleSoft.

MuleSoft has six types of strategy for flow processing:

A queued asynchronous flow processing
Custom flow processing
Tread per processing
Queued flow processing
Non-blocking flow processing
Synchronous flow processing
Asynchronous flow processing

What Is Bridge Component In Mule ?

A bridge component is used to pass the messages from the inbound router to the outbound one. A bridge is a neutral component: it does not perform any action or modify messages that it processes.

What Tags Are Used To Configure Spring Elements In Mule ?

Tags like spring:bean/ spring:entry/ etc. are used to configure spring stuff.

What Are Available Approaches Used For Modularizing Configurations In Mule ?

There are different following approaches that can be used when modularizing a configuration.

Independent configurations – a Mule instance can load several independent configuration files side by side.
Inherited configurations – main idea is to express a formal parent-child dependency between two configurations. By strongly expressing this dependency, you will have the guarantee at boot time that no configuration file has been omitted. Simply by using the same name for the parent and child models and by flagging the child as being an heir, as shown here:

Imported configurations – You can easily import external Spring application context files into your Mule configuration files. The following illustrates how instance.xml would import its Spring context file:
<spring:import resource=“instance-beans.xml” />
Heterogeneous configurations – It is possible to mix several styles of Mule configuration in an instance. An instance can be configured with a Groovy script and Spring XML configuration builders.

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Mulesoft Interview Questions and Answers for 2021
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