2020 was a huge year for  Laravel. It was the year that we saw this beloved framework take leaps and bounds over its competition and push the PHP ecosystem further. The Laravel team managed to make the framework even more powerful by adding new authentication and scaffolding features, which include  Jetstream and  Breeze.

Many developers know that full-stack apps with a  Vue frontend can be quickly spun up with Laravel Jetstream. What many don’t know is that recently, the Laravel team made it easy to make an  Inertia app with Laravel Breeze.

With this knowledge, let’s have some fun and make a very simple Discord-like app called “Twilcord”that will let multiple users join a room via a phone number or username. Instead of the default Vue frontend, we’ll be using React. This article will show you that you don’t need to build separate backends and frontends anymore; Laravel monoliths are the future!


In order to get started with this tutorial you will need the following:

  • A  Twilio account
  • Composer globally installed
  • Laravel 8 installed and set up
  • Node and NPM installed
  • Postman installed

I’ll assume that you have some experience with Laravel and it’s templating structure. If not, links will be available throughout for additional reading. It’s also helpful if you have some familiarity with  JSX or JavaScript XML which makes it easier to write HTML in React.

#code #tutorials and hacks #laravel

Build a Simple Chat Room App in React with Laravel Breeze and Twilio's Conversations API
1.90 GEEK