TypeScript is a typed language that allows you to specify the type of variables, function parameters, returned values, and object properties.

Here an advanced TypeScript Types cheat sheet with examples.

Let’s dive in.

  • Intersection Types
  • Union Types
  • Generic Types
  • Utility Types
  • Partial
  • Required
  • Readonly
  • Pick
  • Omit
  • Extract
  • Exclude
  • Record
  • NonNullable
  • Mapped Types
  • Type Guards
  • Conditional Types

Intersection Types

An intersection type is a way of combining multiple types into one. This means that you can merge a given type A with a type B or more and get back a single type with all properties.

type LeftType = {
  id: number
  left: string

type RightType = {
  id: number
  right: string

type IntersectionType = LeftType & RightType

function showType(args: IntersectionType) {

showType({ id: 1, left: "test", right: "test" })
// Output: {id: 1, left: "test", right: "test"}

As you can see, IntersectionType combines two types - LeftType and RightType and uses the & sign to construct the intersection type.

Union Types

Union types allow you to have different types annotation within a given variable.

type UnionType = string | number

function showType(arg: UnionType) {

// Output: test

// Output: 7

The function showType is a union type that accepts both strings and numbers as a parameter.

Generic Types

A generic type is a way of reusing part of a given type. It helps to capture the type T passed in as a parameter.

function showType<T>(args: T) {

// Output: "test"

// Output: 1

To construct a generic type, you need to use the brackets and pass T as a parameter.

Here, I use T (the name is up to you) and then, call the function showType twice with different type annotations because it’s generic - it can be reused.

interface GenericType<T> {
  id: number
  name: T

function showType(args: GenericType<string>) {

showType({ id: 1, name: "test" })
// Output: {id: 1, name: "test"}

function showTypeTwo(args: GenericType<number>) {

showTypeTwo({ id: 1, name: 4 })
// Output: {id: 1, name: 4}

Here, we have another example that has an interface GenericType which receives a generic type T. And since it’s reusable, we can call it first with a string and then a number.

interface GenericType<T, U> {
  id: T
  name: U

function showType(args: GenericType<number, string>) {

showType({ id: 1, name: "test" })
// Output: {id: 1, name: "test"}

function showTypeTwo(args: GenericType<string, string[]>) {

showTypeTwo({ id: "001", name: ["This", "is", "a", "Test"] })
// Output: {id: "001", name: Array["This", "is", "a", "Test"]}

A generic type can receive several arguments. Here, we pass in two parameters: T and U, and then use them as type annotations for the properties. That said, we can now use the interface and provide different types as arguments.

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Advanced TypeScript Types Cheat Sheet (with Examples)
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