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We are going to learn here how to:

We continue to set up CD for Worker Services

Stop and Delete Service

Navigate to your Release and click on +

Add new PowerShell task and provide Display name f.ex. _Stop and Delete service. _Try to give meaningful and descriptive name for your tasks.

Stop and Delete service

Script path should be the folder as explained earlier where we expand our application on server. We have to provide one input parameter to the PowerShell script, the service name we want to stop and delete. In my case the name for my service is WorkerService.

Remember to tell Azure DevOps to use latest installed version of PowerShell.

Now log in to the server and create a folder where you want your component to be.

I’ve just created folder WorkerService.

#azure devops core worker service

Set up CD using Azure DevOps for Worker Service Part 2
1.40 GEEK