Swipeable list component for React

React Swipeable List component

A control to render list with swipeable items. Items can have action on left and right swipe. Swipe action triggering can be configured.


Check working example page or experiment on:

Edit react-swipeable-list


npm install @sandstreamdev/react-swipeable-list
# or via yarn
yarn add @sandstreamdev/react-swipeable-list


import { SwipeableList, SwipeableListItem } from '@sandstreamdev/react-swipeable-list';
import '@sandstreamdev/react-swipeable-list/dist/styles.css';

      content: <div>Revealed content during swipe</div>,
      action: () => console.info('swipe action triggered')
      content: <div>Revealed content during swipe</div>,
      action: () => console.info('swipe action triggered')
    onSwipeProgress={progress => console.info(`Swipe progress: ${progress}%`)}
    <div>Item name</div>

SwipeableList Props


Type: number (default: 10)

How far in pixels scroll needs to be done to block swiping. After scrolling is started and goes beyond the threshold, swiping is blocked.

It can be set for the whole list or for every item. See scrollStartThreshold for SwipeableListItem. Value from the SwipeableListItem takes precedence.


Type: number (default: 10)

How far in pixels swipe needs to be done to start swiping on list item. After a swipe is started and goes beyond the threshold, scrolling is blocked.

It can be set for the whole list or for every item. See swipeStartThreshold for SwipeableListItem. Value from the SwipeableListItem takes precedence.


Type: number (default: 0.5)

How far swipe needs to be done to trigger attached action. 0.5 means that item needs to be swiped to half of its width, 0.25 - one-quarter of width.

It can be set for the whole list or for every item. See threshold for SwipeableListItem. Value from the SwipeableListItem takes precedence.

SwipeableListItem Props


Type: boolean (default: false)

If set to true all defined swipe actions are blocked.


Type: Object

Data for defining left swipe action and rendering content after item is swiped. The object requires following structure:

  action,  // required: swipe action (function)
  content, // required: HTML or React component


Type: Object

Same as swipeLeft but to right.


Type: number (default: 10)

It can be set for the whole list or for every item. See scrollStartThreshold for SwipeableList. Value from the SwipeableListItem takes precedence.


Type: number (default: 10)

How far in pixels swipe needs to be done to start swiping on list item. After a swipe is started and goes beyond the threshold, scrolling is blocked.

It can be set for the whole list or for every item. See swipeStartThreshold for SwipeableList. Value from the SwipeableListItem takes precedence.


Type: number (default: 0.5)

It can be set for the whole list or for every item. See threshold for SwipeableList. Value from the SwipeableListItem takes precedence.


Type: () => void

Fired after swipe has started (after drag gesture passes the swipeStartThreshold distance in pixels).


Type: () => void

Fired after swipe has ended.


Type: (progress: number) => void

Fired every time swipe progress changes. The reported progress value is always an integer in range 0 to 100 inclusive.


Author: sandstreamdev

Live Demo: https://sandstreamdev.github.io/react-swipeable-list/

GitHub: https://github.com/sandstreamdev/react-swipeable-list

#reactjs #javascript

Swipeable list component for React
66.90 GEEK