NPM, Node Package Manager, is the package manager for the JavaScript programming language. Any developer who is working with Javascript has used this wonderful CLI tool to install the dependencies for their project.

In this article, I will be sharing NPM tips and tricks that can boost your productivity and let you use NPM in a smarter and more efficient way.

  1. Initialize your package
  2. Install a package from other sources
  3. Clean install your package dependencies
  4. Use shortcuts to install packages
  5. NPM scripts
  6. Quickly navigate to package docs
  7. Removes duplicate packages
  8. Scan your application for vulnerabilities
  9. Check our environment
  10. Test your packages locally
  11. Check outdated packages
  12. List all the installed packages

#npm #node #javascript #web-development #developer

12 Useful NPM Tips and Tricks for More Productive JavaScript Coding
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