
When I see a newbie developer whose laptop has the OS vendor’s default desktop and pre-installed bloatware programs popping up, or he has to type the entire SSH command to access daily-using servers, I clearly know that he has gaps in his prior hands-on knowledge and sometimes can be unfit for serious work in the future. For the next few weeks, I will share tips and tricks to help him reduce the time spent on non-value-adding tasks and focus better on what matters the most. My argument is that if he can save15–30 minutes every day, then he gets 2 extra working weeks each year and can significantly reduce unnecessary stress on boring tasks. That’s a win-win for both developers and the company.

The following guide includes tips and tricks to fine-tune your laptop for the best productivity. If you know better suggestions, please feel free to share

1. Choose the right OS for you

Based on your line of work and personal preferences, you may choose the right OS for you. The general tips you need to know are as follows.

Task-based tips

  • Docker: In case you want to run Docker locally, either a Linux distro (like Debian), macOS or Windows 10 Pro/Enterprise/Education versions are preferred (Windows 10 Home has known issues with Docker).
  • iOSiOS development can only be done on XCode IDE running on a Mac, so you have to go for a Mac for cross-platform mobile app development.
  • Games: If you play high-end games at leisure times or involve in developing them, Windows 10 will suit you better.
  • Heavy compilations & app builds: Choose macOS or a Linux distro over Windows because file read and write speeds are very slow on Windows.
  • UI, UX, GraphicsmacOS and Windows10 are always better than Linux distros because most design software does not even support Linux distros.
  • Research, Documentation, Presentations: In this area, most good software does not support Linux distros. Therefore, macOS and Windows10 are recommended over Linux. If you already have Linux, you’ll have to depend on online & cloud-based software tools.


A 10-Step Guide to Set Up Your Laptop for Development
1.30 GEEK