You must have heard this word AWS somewhere around you, at your work, in your course book or may be in some advertisements which you did not study. Have you ever thought, what is it actual? If you ask me in very layman language, I would say, it is nothing but a huge vast computer installed at a far location and we can just access it through internet and perform our work. But why is so much in buzz then? Let’s find out! Before we move further let’s understand what cloud is.

What is Cloud?

Cloud is nothing but a virtual computer/ which you can access from anywhere anytime with the help of internet connection. This cloud computer will have all the features same as an on-premise systems(physical computer) having compute capabilities, storage capacity, network firewalls, database system, etc.

For example, iCloud, dropbox, AmazonWebService (AWS) are using a cloud computer or say a data center to store data in it and be easily accessible any time through internet.

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AWS High-Level Architecture
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