Have you ever been in a situation when your project becomes obsolete because technology you use turns out to be outdated, support for it ends in a few months, project newcomers don’t really know it, most of the supporting libraries have their last commit made a few years back and, of course, the client has no budget to update any of it. Welcome to my world — trapped in Matrix forever, with no hope. Luckily, there is always some Morpheus out there who may pull you out. His name, this time, is microfrontend. Are you ready to take a red pill?

Current state of the project

The dramaturgy of my project was a little bit exaggerated just to grab your attention, but it is definitely not that far from the truth. We have been developing one particular application for one of our clients for a respectable number of years— it’s soon to be our sixth year. From the very beginning, we have been creating frontend for our application in angularjs. At that time being, it seemed to be (and it was) the best framework to choose from. We didn’t follow the hype even though, as you may remember, in those days new “better and faster” frontend framework was released monthly. We stood by angularjs and for quite a long time it looked like it was a very good decision. Recently however, we started to “suffer” more and more from being a little outside technology radar. In this part of the article, we will look into the main problems with angularjs. You may notice at once that most of it relates to each outdated framework/library, so even if you don’t use angularjs you may find some issues valid for you as well.

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Microfrontends — A Way to Resurect Your Legacy Project
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