This Edureka video on “Azure Certification in 2021” will give you an idea about what exactly are Azure certifications & explain some of the benefits of the certifications. Next it will discuss what are different types of Azure certification and explain about major role based Azure Certifications. Finally, we will see an overview of the exam guide and most importantly, how can you prepare for the certification. Following is the outline of the Azure Certification video:

  • 00:00:00 Introduction
  • 00:01:08 What is Azure Certification?
  • 00:01:36 Benefits of Azure Certification
  • 00:02:55 Types of Azure Certification
  • 00:04:30 Major Role - Based Certification
  • 00:07:49 Overview of the Exam Guide
  • 00:08:50 How Can you Prepare for the Certification


Azure Certifications | Azure Certification Path  | Microsoft Azure Training
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