Chronic lower back pain is a widespread problem that can seriously affect many aspects of our daily lives. This can be aggravated by things like sitting or standing for long periods of time, poor posture and daily activities such as lifting, being or vacuuming. This condition can occur as a result of any number of initial injuries, muscle sprains, ligament sprains, arthritis, broken discs, fractures, etc. It is common for these injuries to adapt to change our movement mechanics long term and progress to becoming a chronic injury. Problem.

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Kinesiology taping is a therapeutic technique often used for its proven ability to reduce pain and improve mobility. Compared to traditional taping, which focuses on stabilization and movement restriction, kinesiology tape reduces pain, reduces inflammation, and adds stability while increasing blood flow and fluid circulation. Often times, patients will also benefit from increased proprioception by taping, which helps improve posture and motor re-education.
If you are experiencing chronic lower back pain or any discomfort due to an injury or muscle overuse, SpiderTech can help! Our innovative lower back pre-cut kinesiology tapes are easier than ever. Check them out, and feel the SpiderTech difference today!

**For More Information: **

Business Address: 115 Ridgetop Road, Toronto, ON, M1P 4W9
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Business Phone: +1 (866) 270-1753 Toll Free: (416) 490-4000 Fax- (416) 490-4001

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Studying Taping Techniques For Chronic Lower Back Pain - Does It Matter How You Tape?
1.45 GEEK