Did you know that the Apple II, launched in 1977, was the first PC that had colour? It was a lead that Apple somehow dropped with an incomprehensible twenty-year gap before anybody seem to get their act together. A lead that Microsoft/HP took from Apple with an initiative that would become the de-facto standard most of us use today. Yes, it’s incredible that it’s a standard which has hardly changed in the last 25 years.

Apple did eventually come to the table on this and came back with a new standard, namely display P3 in 2016 — mot only talking the talk but also walking the walk. They launched products that would use it, like the iPhone 7 and others, including the iPad Pro and the iMac.

Indeed, colour today is a far more challenging problem than it ever was, with more devices using different technologies with very different characteristics coming to market.

Anyway, to code, where do we start. Let’s do de-facto. Unsurprisingly, the sRGB as you might expect from a standard developed in 1996 isn’t very intuitive.

#ios #swift #mobile #swiftui

Colour, Hue, Saturation, and Brightness
2.50 GEEK