Static Generation is great for performance — until the app gets too big and build-times go through the roof. Today, we’ll have a look at how Netlify’s fresh On-Demand Builders can fix that. Additionally, we pair it up with Next.js’ Incremental Static Regeneration for the best user and developer experience. And, of course, benchmark those results!

One of the biggest pains of working with statically generated websites is the incrementally slower builds as your app grows. This is an inevitable problem any stack faces at some point and it can strike from different points depending on what kind of product you are working with.

For example, if your app has multiple pages (views, routes) when generating the deployment artifact, each of those routes becomes a file. Then, once you’ve reached thousands, you start wondering when you can deploy without needing to plan ahead. This scenario is common on e-commerce platforms or blogs, which are already a big portion of the web but not all of it. Routes are not the only possible bottleneck, though.

A resource-heavy app will also eventually reach this turning point. Many static generators carry out asset optimization to ensure the best user experience. Without build optimizations (incremental builds, caching, we will get to those soon) this will eventually become unmanageable as well — think about going through all images in a website: resizing, deleting, and/or creating new files over and over again. And once all that is done: remember Jamstack serves our apps from the edges of the Content Delivery Network. So we still need to move things from the server they were compiled at to the edges of the network.

Jamstack general service architecture

Jamstack general service architecture (Large preview)

On top of all that, there is also another fact: data is often dynamic, meaning that when we build our app and deploy it, it may take a few seconds, a few minutes, or even an hour. Meanwhile, the world keeps spinning, and if we are fetching data from elsewhere, our app is bound to get outdated. Unacceptable! Build again to update!

#netlify #next #react #javascript #web-development

Breaking Down Bulky Builds With Netlify And Next.js
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