How Instagram Can Help Businesses Grow

Is an Instagram account worthwhile for my business? What should I post and isn’t it quite time-consuming? If you’ve ever asked yourself these questions, you’ve come to the right place. Along with Facebook, Instagram is one of the largest social networks. And the number of users is growing. With the help of this social media you can achieve everything and even more. Some companies can offer their services for social media promotion. Visit this website to check out how and see reviews of the clients. Now, back to the point.

In this article, we’ll focus primarily on Instagram for small businesses and how they - that is, you - can use the network for your individual goals. To do that, we’ll first look at how Instagram “works” in the first place. And then we’ll present concrete ideas on what you can post to reach your target audience!

Why Instagram for your business?
Here’s the simple answer: If your target audience is already active on Instagram and you’re willing to invest some time in creating content - then it’s worth having an account! Because it’s not complicated to create content for Instagram.

Let’s take a closer look at Instagram. The first thing you need to know (or already know): Instagram is a visual channel. Here, photos and videos are definitely the focus, not text. If you love taking appealing snapshots in your everyday life or sell beautiful products that are “instagrammable” - meaning they lend themselves well to photos - then Instagram is the platform for you! Not only, but especially photographers, artists, a blogger or a DIYer therefore use Instagram intensively, with the platform already being one of the most important networks across all industries today.

Does Instagram also make sense in B2B marketing?
B2B companies are companies whose customers are also businesses. "Business to business, in other words. Many B2B companies do not use Instagram because it is a consumer-oriented platform.

However, this is exactly where a great opportunity lies: If you also have many companies as customers, you can use Instagram to address employees from other companies in this way and draw attention to you. Creativity and humor are definitely allowed - B2B doesn’t have to be boring! Just try it out and you’ll see that Instagram can be a great way to turn users into fans of your company.

What are the benefits of Instagram for businesses?
Not only are user numbers growing steadily, Instagram’s average interaction rate of 1.73 percent puts it well ahead of Facebook, which has just 0.16 percent. Facebook itself even expects Instagram to boast more active users in 2019 than Facebook itself. Instagram thus has an unbeatable reach and is a great platform to interact with your existing and potential customers. Especially for niches, Instagram has already proven to be a good distribution channel.

Still not convinced? Here are two more interesting facts about Instagram:

  • 90 percent of Instagram users follow a business
  • Two-thirds of fashion and beauty enthusiasts buy, like or interact after seeing a product on Instagram.

    So although we often assume that online advertising passes us by without a trace, we still pay attention to products and services that interest us and appear in the feed. Often unconsciously, too.

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How Instagram Can Help Businesses Grow
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