Express is a popular framework for Node.js, intended for use in building web applications and APIs. In this article and the accompanying video, I’ll show you how to get started with it and we’ll build a server that mimics some behaviors of a key/value store. If you’re interested in learning more about Express,  check out its website .

What We’ll Build

In this first part of the series, we’ll build an Express server that has some API endpoints that model a key/value store database. Think of a key/value store like a table of name/value pairs, so if we set the key favoritecolor to blue and the key luckynumber to 99, it might look something like this:

Key Value Table.

Our API will include functionality to set a key to a value, retrieve the value stored at a given key, and ask the database for information about things like the number of keys in use.

How it Works

The video provides a complete run through of how the code in server.js works, so here’s a summary…

#javascript #express #node-js-tutorial

Getting Started with Express — Building an API: Part 1
1.10 GEEK