The only tags you need when first learning HTML

Learn the 20+ essential HTML tags every beginner should know. Includes tags for headings, paragraphs, links, images, lists, and more.

When you're first learning HTML, it starts nice and simple, often with a paragraph tag and then heading tags. Then you add in lists, links, images, em and strong, and the list of elements just keeps getting longer and longer.

So in this video, I'm looking at the 20-25 essential elements that are good to know early on, grouping them into three categories to help simplify things even more.

You'll need more than just these over time, but when you're just starting, this is more than enough to get you going šŸ™‚.

āŒš Timestamps
00:00 - Introduction
00:47 - The categories
02:15 - DOCTYPE
02:40 - html
03:07 - head and body
03:50 - title
04:11 - style and link
05:01 - tags vs elements
05:32 - paragraphs and headings (h1 to h6)
07:05 - ordered and unordered lists, and list items
07:42 - strong and em
08:49 - the a tag (links)
09:42 - span
10:39 - layout related elements
11:09 - the main
11:36 - header
12:19 - footer
12:44 - nav
13:22 - article
14:08 - section
14:44 - multiple headers and footers
15:34 - div

āœ… The cheat sheet: 

#css #html

The 20+ Essential HTML Tags for Beginners
1.15 GEEK