Hey everyone, it’s Monday and that means I’ve been working my shifts and been to the gym after so this post is coming in a bit later than usual, however I’ve been keen to get back into the coding all day so let’s jump in and learn something new! I added some extra information to the last post at the bottom to finish off those lessons and start new here tonight. Thanks to _FreeCodeCamp _for these freeclasses. Got your tea ready?

Cascading Style Sheets, also known as CSS

CSS is a programming language that tells the browser how to display the HTML code in the console that we have typed into the editor. CSS is case-sensitive, so be extra cautious when writing code. A few examples from _FreeCodeCamp _of what you can control in CSS are:

  • colour
  • fonts
  • positioning
  • spacing
  • sizing
  • decorations
  • transitions

#learn-to-code #learning #coding #css

Learning to Code: Day 4 — Introduction to CSS
1.15 GEEK