In this video you’ll learn how to do exactly that in 45 minutes. You’ll convert an existing Python Tensorflow model and leverage it in a standalone app with real time detections. You’ll be able to see the results in real time! But what’s even better is that you can take this and apply to to your very own use cases, whatever they might be!

This video covers:

1. Converting a Tensorflow Object Detection API model to Tensorflow.JS Graph Model format

2. Hosting a trained Tensorflow deep learning model for applications

3. Downloading the React and Tensorflow.JS Computer Vision Template

4. Making real time detections using a deployed Tensorflow.JS model

5. Visualising detections within the HTML canvas

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Setting Up Cloud Object Storage on IBM Cloud:…

Installing the Cloud Object Storage CLI:…

Installing the Cloud Object Storage Plugin:…


#react #tensorflow #javascript

Building a Real Time Sign Language Detection App with React.JS and Tensorflow.JS
7.90 GEEK