I enjoyed using my terminal’s green-on-black color scheme for many years. It is reminiscent of the DEC VT100/220 terminals that I used in college. I began to get bored with it earlier this year when I bought a tenkeyless keyboard from Hyper-X. The keyboard is black, and the keys are backlit in red, so I changed my terminal’s colors to match. I think it looks really cool at night.

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I use GNOME as my main desktop environment, and I prefer to stick with the standard GNOME Terminal. Here’s how I customized its settings to achieve my new color scheme.I always like to keep the default profile as a fallback in case I really screw things up; it’s good to have a baseline. So first, I cloned the default profile and named the new clone HyperX. I did my customizations in this profile and, once I was happy, set it to be the default.

Second, under the new profile’s Colors tab, I changed Built-in schemes to Custom. Then, for Default color, I set Text to red (#FF0000) and Background to black (#000000). I haven’t decided my favorite colors for BoldCursor, and Highlight, but they are easy to adjust.


Customize your Linux terminal with your favorite logo
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