I like to find ways to link the very small to the very big. It somehow helps me orientate. For example, recently my wife called me and asked “Is the internet working?”. This question threw me and I considered long and hard before answering, “Do you mean in terms of our societal development or as a greater astral good?. Her response: “What?, no I mean is the cable in the hole?”.

At Expedia Group™, I work on the Cloud Accelerate Team. A large part of our focus is helping guide software engineering teams out of the data centres and into a public cloud provider, AWS. I wanted to know if our combined efforts have a more altruistic purpose than cost reduction or shiny new toys. So I decided to try to understand if we were reducing carbon emissions. The story goes that cloud computing is one of the great examples of economies of scale in our industry. In theory, this improved economy should lead to less energy consumption which in turn should reduce carbon emissions. The answer I found was that, yes we are doing 69% better and here is the explanation.

#cloud-computing #aws #cloud migration #cloud

The Greater Good of Our Cloud Migration
1.10 GEEK