A Simple React Native Component That Takes an Array of Data and Renders a Sectionlist


A simple React Native component that takes an array of data and renders a SectionList with alphabetically sorted data.

Alt text


Unlike alternatives, this package takes an array of data rather than an object with letters as keys.

For example,

Other packages

const data = {
  A: [{...}, ...],
  B: [{...}, ...],
  C: [{...}, ...],

This package

const data = [{...}, {...}, {...}, ...]

For react-native-section-alphabet-list, the data does not need to be pre-formatted and sorted before use. The component handles all this logic internally.


Using npm:

npm install react-native-section-alphabet-list

or with yarn:

yarn add react-native-section-alphabet-list


Import the module

import AlphabetList from "react-native-section-alphabet-list";

Use the component


YourData should be provided as an Array of objects, with each object item having both a valueand a key.

const YourData = [
     value: string, // determines which alphabet section to place the object in
     key: string // used as the key in the keyExtractor for SectionList
     ... // your other properties


class ListItem extends Component {
   const { value } = this.props.item

   return (
      <View style={styles.listItemContainer}>
        <Text style={styles.listItemLabel}>{value}</Text>

class SectionHeader extends Component {
   const { title } = this.props.section

   return (
      <View style={styles.sectionHeaderContainer}>
        <Text style={styles.sectionHeaderLabel}>{title}</Text>

class MyComponent extends Component {
  state = {
     data: [
       { value: 'Albania', key: 'AL' },
       { value: 'Canada', key: 'CA' },
       { value: 'Benin', key: 'BJ' },
       { value: 'Guinea', key: 'GN' },
       { value: 'Ethiopia', key: 'ET' },
       { value: 'Azerbaijan', key: 'AZ' },
       { value: 'Bermuda', key: 'BM' },
       { value: 'Greece', key: 'GR' },
       { value: 'Hong Kong', key: 'HK' },
       { value: 'Hungary', key: 'HU' },
       { value: 'India', key: 'IN' },
       { value: 'Ireland', key: 'IE' },
       { value: 'Dominica', key: 'DM' },
       { value: 'Jamaica', key: 'JM' },
       { value: 'Mexico', key: 'MX' },
       { value: 'Lithuania', key: 'LT' },
       { value: 'Luxembourg', key: 'LU' },
       { value: 'New Zealand', key: 'NZ' },
       { value: 'Portugal', key: 'PT' },
       { value: 'Japan', key: 'JP' },
       { value: 'France', key: 'FR' },
       { value: 'Egypt', key: 'EG' },
       { value: 'Finland', key: 'FI' },
       { value: 'China', key: 'CN' },
       { value: 'Denmark', key: 'DK' }

  render() {
    return (
      <SafeAreaView style={styles.container}>
          style={{ flex: 1 }}
          getItemHeight={() => sizes.itemHeight}

const colors = {
  background: {
    light: 'white',
    dark: '#8e8e93',

  seperatorLine: '#e6ebf2',

  text: {
    dark: '#1c1b1e',

  primary: '#007aff',

const sizes = {
  itemHeight: 40,
  headerHeight: 30,

  spacing: {
    regular: 15,

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    backgroundColor: colors.background.light,

  listItemContainer: {
    flex: 1,
    height: sizes.itemHeight,
    paddingHorizontal: sizes.spacing.regular,
    justifyContent: 'center',
    borderTopColor: colors.seperatorLine,
    borderTopWidth: 1,

  listItemLabel: {
    color: colors.text.dark,
    fontSize: 14,

  sectionHeaderContainer: {
    height: sizes.headerHeight,
    backgroundColor: colors.background.dark,
    justifyContent: 'center',
    paddingHorizontal: sizes.spacing.regular,

  sectionHeaderLabel: {
    color: colors.background.light,


  • Support for more custom styles
  • Option to highlight which section is active when scrolling


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update the tests as appropriate.

Download Details:

Author: Kieran-McIntyre

Source Code: https://github.com/Kieran-McIntyre/react-native-section-alphabet-list

#react #react-native #mobile-apps

A Simple React Native Component That Takes an Array of Data and Renders a Sectionlist
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