5 Tips to Become a Successful Java Developer

In Today’s Era, there are a lot of programming languages that will probably shape our future. However, when we start learning programming we start with the C language then move on to C++ or one of the many other programming languages. But today I am going to talk about the most popular programming language which is known as Java. The popularity of Java can be attributed to its versatility as it can be used to design customized applications that are light and fast and serve a variety of purposes.

Java Developer

So much so that according to the TIOBE Index for April 2019, Java is the number one programming language. In fact, Java is used in almost every company, whether they be small companies or big tech giant companies like Google, Amazon, etc. So, becoming a Java Developer in today’s world can enhance your career very well! And that is why I am going to share the points on becoming a successful Java Developer:

1. Master the Core Java SE

First, start with Core Java(Java SE) and master it as much as possible. You should know and understand basic concepts like loops, arrays, operators and many more. Also, Java SE has a range of general-purpose API’s like java.lang, java.io, java.math, etc. and you should have a basic knowledge of them at least. You should also start learning OOP’s concepts as they are well known in Java.

2. Keep Practising Java

Whatever you learn in Core Java, just keep practicing it so that you can write the syntax without any basic errors. Also, it is easy to provide a solution to a problem in theory but the challenge lies in practically implementing the approach as you will understand the language limitations and best design practices. So keep coding and practising Java as much as possible and also try to make mini projects on whatever topic you learn.

3. Learn Java EE

After Finishing Core Java Start learning Java EE(Enterprise Edition) which is also known as Advanced Java. When you start learning Java EE you are able to work on web development as Java EE has specifications for additional features like distributed computing and web services. This includes technologies like Servlet, WebSocket, Java Server Faces, etc. for web specifications.

4. Make Projects With Servlets and JSP

Whatever you learn in Java EE just combine it with Front End technologies such as HTML, CSS, Javascript and try to make mini projects on specific topics as it will sharpen your mind. Also, it is important that you make atleat two projects, one with Servlet and second with JSP. This is because without making projects on these you will never be sure about how much you know in this programming language.

5. Learn Hibernate and Spring Frameworks

When you complete both Java SE and Java EE then you must learn Java Frameworks which include the Hibernate Framework and Spring Framework. These are the most popular frameworks of Java. In fact, most Java Development Companies these days use Spring frameworks such as Spring Boot, Spring MVC, and Spring Cloud for developing a web application, etc. Hibernate framework is also very popular for mapping a domain object-oriented model to a relational database and also the Hibernate Query Language. So if you know these frameworks and you can make projects on these then you will have a great chance of getting selected for the role of a Java Developer in any company.


5 Tips to Become a Successful Java Developer
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