Julia is a high-level, multipurpose programming language that developers use to code any sort of application. Besides, essential features like simplicity, high-performance, dynamically-typed, open-source, etc. make it unique and of great importance in the tech-world.

Julia got some helpful attributes that make it the best option for high-performance numerical analysis and computational science. Furthermore, it’s a cross-platform programming language. That is to say; it runs well on Windows, FreeBSD, Linux, and macOS.

In conclusion, this article will be solely about the top Julia web frameworks we have around today. How many of them are you familiar with, and which one do you use for your projects? Stay connected as we take you on a ride!

1. Genie

In short, Genie is simply a full-stack MVC web framework. Julia’s users are so much in love with it because it offers a streamlined and fruitful workflow for building modern web applications.


  • Most importantly, it supports Julia version 1.2+

2. Bukdu

Bukdu.jl is simply a web development framework that supports the Julia programming language.


#development tools #julia web framework

12 Best Julia Web Framework
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