Red Hat Vs. Ubuntu Server: A Never Ending Race

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and Ubuntu are premier Linux distributions extensively used at an enterprise level. But there’re some key differences between these two prominent Linux flavors. When comparing these two Linux distributions, you must emphasize features, user experience, licensing, and documentation.

RHEL can support nearly any of the application servers on the infrastructure level. Now, Red Hat server is focusing heavily on security and compliance. The company has recently introduced systemwide cryptographic policies and advanced auditing capabilities with updated protocols.

On the other hand, Ubuntu is an all-purpose server offering services like authentication, domain name server, and Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. You can also configure it as a web server, a MySQL or PostgreSQL database server, a file server, a chat server, or an email server.

This server offers next-gen functionalities, consisting of quality-of-service controls for CPU, memory, storage, and install snaps. 

Let’s compare both servers at an enterprise level:

Here's a more comprehensive comparison of their features and characteristics:

Target Audience:

  • Red Hat primarily targets enterprise customers, offering comprehensive support and adherence to industry standards. It is suitable for mission-critical systems and applications.
  • Ubuntu Server appeals to a  broader audience, including individual users, developers, and small to medium-sized businesses. Its user-friendly interface makes it accessible to users with varying levels of experience.

Stability and Reliability:

  • Red Hat is known for its stability, predictable release cycles, and long-term support through RHEL versions. This makes it a preferred choice for organizations prioritizing reliability over frequent updates.
  • Ubuntu Server provides both LTS (Long Term Support) and regular releases. While LTS versions offer extended support, stable releases cater to users seeking the latest features and improvements.

Security Features:

  • Red Hat strongly emphasizes security, providing robust solutions and timely security updates. The focus on enterprise security standards suits industries with stringent compliance requirements.
  • Ubuntu Server prioritizes security but takes a slightly different approach, balancing cutting-edge features with stability. Its extensive community support aids in rapid vulnerability identification and resolution.

Package Management:

  • Red Hat utilizes RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) for software installation and updates, which benefits from the Red Hat solutions process for verified packages.
  • Ubuntu server relies on APT (Advanced Package Tool), offering a vast repository of packages maintained by the Ubuntu community.

Community Support:

  • Red Hat offers professional support through subscription plans, but community support is less prominent than Ubuntu.
  • Ubuntu Server thrives on its active and diverse community, providing extensive online resources, forums, and user-contributed solutions.
  • It supports SAP HANA in production with jointly-tested Red Hat and SAP technology. The SELinux's security technology enables process isolation, offering great privilege escalation to SAP users.
  • There is a range of enhanced security features designed for SAP Solutions that help organizations adhere to security standards. It is likely to provide optimal performance. With the collection of new best practices across the SAP environment, users further harden their operating system in the context of SAP HANA deployments.
  • By simultaneously using SELinux or Network Bound Disk Encryption (NBDE), companies can reduce the attack surface and protect business-critical data smoothly.

Customization and Flexibility:

  • Red Hat primarily focuses on stability and standardization, which may limit customization options for certain users.
  • Ubuntu Server embraces flexibility and encourages customization, appealing to developers and those who seek to tailor their systems to specific requirements.


  • Red Hat provides a certified ecosystem of hardware and software partners, ensuring seamless integration and verified compatibility.
  • Ubuntu Server relies on community-driven support and may have slightly fewer certified options, but it compensates with a wide range of third-party applications.


  • Red Hat RHEL requires a subscription to access full support and updates as a commercial distribution.
  • Ubuntu includes LTS versions and is freely available, which can be a significant cost-saving factor for many users.


  • Red Hat support developers; it focuses more on enterprise-grade features and stability.
  • Ubuntu servers come up with cutting-edge technologies, regular updates, and a strong community, Ubuntu attracts developers looking to experiment and innovate.

Cloud Integration:

  • Red Hat offers strong cloud integration with tools like Red Hat server OpenShift and Red Hat Enterprise Linux on major cloud platforms.
  • Ubuntu Server also has robust cloud support and is known for being the base for Ubuntu's cloud-focused derivatives like Ubuntu Server for Kubernetes.

Virtualization and Containers:

  • Red Hat's virtualization platform, based on KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine), is well-regarded for its performance and support. It also integrates seamlessly with Red Hat OpenShift for container orchestration.
  • Ubuntu Server's strength lies in its association with LXD (Linux Container Daemon), providing efficient and lightweight container management, making it a preferred choice for container enthusiasts.

Support and Documentation:

  • Red Hat is known for its comprehensive official documentation and professional support options, including certified training and consulting services.
  • Ubuntu Server provides quality documentation; the community-driven nature of Ubuntu's support may lead to varying levels of expertise and response times.


  • Red Hat offers you both stability and reliability. This excels in certain high-load scenarios and mission-critical environments.
  • Ubuntu Server is known for its agility and responsiveness. It delivers superior performance for workloads with frequent updates and dynamic requirements.

Hardware Requirements:

  • Red Hat tends to have higher minimum hardware requirements, making it more suitable for modern configurations.
  • Ubuntu server offers relatively lower hardware requirements, making it adaptable to a broader range of systems, including older hardware.

Bottom Line:

SAP server  is difficult for beginners but can easily optimize the tasks for a big enterprise or organization. Conversely, Ubuntu servers are easy for beginners and have strong community backing.

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