Python is a high-level programming language, with syntax very closely aligned to the English language. Python is an extremely popular programming language with millions of users using it across multiple domains to solve a lot of problems! Working in a competitive space such as Python programming it becomes extremely important that you work on interesting projects that are attractive to the hiring managers out there. This video explains the best Python Projects ideas that you can go on to do and mention the same on your Resume. Regardless of your experience, these projects in Python will help elevate your resume from being good to great!

00:00 Introduction
02:23 Why are projects important?
10:38 Top 5 Python project ideas
11:07 Data Analysis project ideas
13:04 Building mobile applications
15:14 Stock market tracker
16:49 Sentiment analysis
19:30 Automation projects
21:19 Summary


The Best Python Project Ideas for Your Resume
4.80 GEEK