In this video, we will have a hands-on session on Property Editor, Validator, Converter, Formatter, Init Binder. We will go through different scenarios and, we will fix them as well.

You will also learn to configure property place holders in a properties file and, you will be able to deal with the type miss-match problem in a Spring MVC application.

So the first goal for today is to learn the init binder and then to configure property editor with our spring application. I will also teach you to create custom property editors in this video. We are not only going to write our editors, but We will be using some built-in property editors as well.

Once we completed learning editors, We will be creating some form validators. As we have completed learning about the JSR 303/349 validators in the earlier videos, we will be learning about the spring's validation API.

Spring has its validation support and, we can create our custom validator using the spring's validator interface. I will be giving you a few examples and assignments on this concept.

Apart from this, We will cover the difference between formatter and editor.  I will compare the formatter, editor, and converter together.

Video Map:
Introduction 00:00
init binder :  00:05:12
String trimmer editor:  00:16:42
Property Editor Theory:  00:31:26
webdata binder:  00:38:36
String trimmer editor debugging:  00:45:30
Custom Date Editor:  00:51:40
custom number editor: 01:02:08 
create custom editor: 01:09:50
create custom currency editor: 01:22:18
Init binder formatter registration: 01:36:12
formatter vs property editor: 01:39:46
introducing Converter: 01:51:41
Introducing Validator: 02:03:31
Custom Email Validator: 02:28:13
property Placeholders : 02:47:34
Type Miss Match Problem 03:00:50


Hands-on Property Editor, Validator, Converter, Formatter, Init Binder
1.25 GEEK