Ok, so I wrote a bit about  why I think we should stop using React. To summarize the article a bit, there were several main issues I had with React:

  1. It’s mostly hype that drives its popularity.
  2. It gives you too much freedom, which leads you to make some really basic mistakes early on that sabotage you’re app later.
  3. It’s a memory hog and not tree-shakable.
  4. Your React app becomes exponentially more complex the larger it gets making it a hassle to maintain.
  5. There’s nothing built into it (like form handling) so you have to write a lot of complex code to make up for it or install a bunch of 3rd party dependencies.
  6. Upgrading your application to the latest version often requires a full rewrite.

These are the largest issues I have faced personally when dealing with a variety of React projects. In this article, I want to share with you how Angular solves most of these issues and enables you to focus on what you’re building rather than how you’re building it.

All aboard the hype train

Angular gets a fair amount of hype as well, so I can’t really say that Angular “solves” this particular issue. For one thing, I don’t think Angular gets the same amount of hype that React does. I think that mainly has to do with how Google branded it. First, there was Angular JS which was a giant steaming pile of garbage. I will give credit to Google because they decided to overhaul Angular JS and turn it into Angular (or Angular 2) which is a massive improvement. I think that the improvement came at a cost to its popularity though.

Personally, I think they should have rebranded Angular as something else because Angular JS and Angular are nothing alike. Literally, the only similarities are in the name and the company producing them.

In my opinion, I do think that Angular deserves the hype it does get. I think the Angular devs have created an incredibly well-thought-out framework that both performs well and is fairly easy to use. I’ll talk more about the advantages of using Angular in this article and maybe by the end you’ll agree with me on the deservedness of Angular’s hype.

#react #javascript #programming #angular

Why We Should Throw Out React and Pick Up Angular
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