Phone Auth for WP: Login, Register, Authorize

Login/register with phone number

Added country flags to login with phone number form

You can add almost every SMS gateways (if you have) yourself for free, or you can ask us to develop your sms gateway with paying extra.

you can change style and appearance of forms

You can use Firebase for sending SMS (10,000 free OTP SMS from Firebase)

For checking docs and getting more help please visit: Login with phone number documentations

Login/Register with E-mail

Wordpress Login Form

Woocommerce Registration Form

Woocommerce Login With Phone Number

Wordpress OTP Login

Woocommerce Registration With Phone Number

Add Phone Number to Wordpress Registration

Simple Use

Support of International SMS Delivery

Activating Users by Phone Number

Password Recovery Form

Page Authentication in Order to Visit Pages

Login and Registration with Phone Number

Redirect Users to Specific URLs After Logging in or Registering

You can use your custom gateway. you can also use other ready sms gateways from

Supported gateways for now:

  • Twilio
  • BlueSoft
  • Ippanel
  • Whatsapp



  1. download plugin from wordpress directory
  2. Upload the ‘login-with-phone-number’ folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. Activate it through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  4. use [idehweb_lwp] shortcode in your posts and pages where you need user to be logged in
  5. use [idehweb_lwp_metas nicename="false" username="false" phone_number="true" email="false"] where you want to show logged in users metas. for example you can use this shortcode in user's profile page. you can show phone number, email, username and nicename.
  6. for sending otp sms, you need credit. you can buy credit inside plugin and use our default gateway, or you can use your custom gateways. some gateways have been added.

Download Details:

Author: idehweb

Official Github: 



Phone Auth for WP: Login, Register, Authorize
1.10 GEEK