The SVG path element is used for drawing complex shapes in the SVG path specification. It is the most complex element for drawing built-in shapes.

Paths represent the geometry of the outline of an object using commands. They take a single attribute to describe what to draw.

In SVG the path element is represented by <path d=”” /> d will take the path string.

In RaphaelJS, the path string is given to the library to handle drawing.


We will use a grid of 500 by 500 pixels to cover the topic of paths. The code to create the grid is given below:

 <title>Paths Arrow Absolute</title>
 #container {
 background:url(grid.jpg) repeat;
 display: block;
 margin: 0 auto;
 <div id=”container”></div>
 <script src=”"></script>
 paper = Raphael(‘container’, 500, 500);
 // Write code here

#javascript #scalable-vector-graphics #programming #web-development #raphaeljs

Drawing Complex Shapes in RaphaelJS
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