Welcome to this article about Flutter, Google Firebase, and Google Cloud Functions.

In this article, I will speak about — Firebase Function for a Flutter mobile app. For the past year, there were more and more articles about Function-as-a-Service (Faas) or serverless software. Google Cloud Functions is one implementation of this service. And we will see how we can implement this in a very basic “Hello World” Flutter/Firebase project.

In this article, you must have some knowledge about Flutter. It will develop an Android app one a Linux distribution with Android Studio. But you can easily adjust to your project.


In this article, we will see these topics:

  • What is Faas?
  • Google Cloud Function
  • Creating and configuration a new Firebase project
  • Integrating Firebase with Flutter
  • Let’s Flutter a little
  • Run the console Firebase
  • Write your first function
  • Enjoy the result

#flutter #firebase #cloud #mobile-apps #developer

How to use a Firebase Cloud Function in a Flutter Application
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