Sometime ago for a project, I was looking for a good rate-limiting service. For the scope of that project, the service would run along a front proxy and would rate-limit requests to third party applications.

Nginx Plus and Kong certainly have rate-limiting features but are not OSS; while I am a bigger fan of OSS. Using Istio service mesh would have been a overkill. Therefore I decided to use Envoy Proxy + Lyft Ratelimiting.

The aim for this blog is help you get started with the rate-limiting service and configure various combinations of rate-limiting scenarios.

Let’s dive in…

Understanding Lyft Ratelimiter

Ratelimit configuration consists of

  1. Domain: A domain is a container for a set of rate limits. All domains known to the Ratelimit service must be globally unique. They serve as a way for different teams/projects to have rate limit configurations that don’t conflict.
  2. Descriptor: A descriptor is a list of key/value pairs owned by a domain that the Ratelimit service uses to select the correct rate limit. Descriptors are case-sensitive. Examples of descriptors are:
  • (“database”, “users”)
  • (“message_type”, “marketing”),(“to_number”,”2061234567")
  • (“to_cluster”, “service_a”)
  • (“to_cluster”, “service_a”),(“from_cluster”, “service_b”)

Descriptors can also be nested to achieve more complex rate-limiting scenarios.

We will be performing rate limiting based on various HTTP headers. Let’s have a look at the configuration file.

domain: apis
  - key: generic_key
    value: global
      unit: second
      requests_per_unit: 60
  - key: generic_key
    value: local
      unit: second
      requests_per_unit: 50
  - key: header_match
    value: "123"
      unit: second
      requests_per_unit: 40
  - key: header_match
    value: "456"
      unit: second
      requests_per_unit: 30
  - key: header_match
    value: post
      unit: second 
      requests_per_unit: 20
  - key: header_match
    value: get
      unit: second 
      requests_per_unit: 10
  - key: header_match
    value: path
      unit: second 
      requests_per_unit: 5
#Using nested descriptors
  - key: custom_header
    - key: plan
      value: BASIC
        requests_per_unit: 2
        unit: second
    - key: plan
      value: PLUS
        requests_per_unit: 3
        unit: second

In the configuration above it can be clearly seen

  1. There are various different keys with different ratelimit values.
  2. We can use them globally for the entire vhost in envoy or even locally for a particular path.
  3. We can also have nested values of descriptors.

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HTTP Throttling via Lyft Global Rate Limiting
3.70 GEEK