Hello friends, do you know that apart from having Courses from the world’s reputed universities, Coursera also has online courses from the world’s largest tech companies.

You can join training courses that are taught by Google, IBM, AWS, and other large tech companies and learn from the world’s best instructor. If this seems exciting to you then hang-in and let’s deep dive into 20 best Coursera Coursera from top tech companies.

Here is a list of 20 popular Coursera courses which is taught by top tech companies:

1. Google IT Support from Google

2. Google IT Automation with Python from Google

3. IBM AI Foundations for Business from IBM

4. IBM Data Science from IBM

5. AWS Fundamentals from Amazon Web Services

6. Getting Started with AWS Machine Learning from Amazon Web Services

7. AWS Computer Vision: Getting Started with GluonCV from Amazon Web Services

8. From 0 to N: Architecting on Alibaba Cloud from Alibaba Cloud Academy

9. Cloud Architecture with Google Cloud from Google Cloud

10. Security in Google Cloud Platform from Google Cloud

11. Cloud Engineering with Google Cloud from Google Cloud

12. Deep Learning from deeplearning.ai

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18 Coursera Courses You can Join in 2020
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