A simple cli to manage Flutter SDK versions per project


Flutter Version Management: A simple cli to manage Flutter SDK versions.


  • Configure Flutter SDK version per project
  • Ability to install and cache multiple Flutter SDK Versions
  • Easily switch between Flutter channels & versions
  • Per project Flutter SDK upgrade

Version Management

This tool allows you to manage multiple channels and releases, and caches these versions locally, so you don’t have to wait for a full setup every time you want to switch versions.

Also, it allows you to grab versions by a specific release, i.e. v1.2.0 or 1.17.0-dev.3.1. In case you have projects in different Flutter SDK versions and do not want to upgrade.


To Install:

> pub global activate fvm

Read dart.dev docs for more info on how to run global dart scripts.

And then, for information on each command:

> fvm help

Install a SDK Version

FVM gives you the ability to install many Flutter releases or channels.

> fvm install <version>

Version - use master to install the Master channel and v1.8.0 or 1.17.0-dev.3.1 to install the release.

Use a SDK Version

You can use different Flutter SDK versions per project. To do that you have to go into the root of the project and:

> fvm use <version>

If you want to use a specific version by default in your machine, you can specify the flag --global to the use command. A symbolic link to the Flutter version will be created in the fvm home folder, which you could then add to your PATH environment variable as follows: <FVM_HOME>/default/bin

Remove a SDK Version

Using the remove command will uninstall the SDK version locally. This will impact any projects that depend on that version of the SDK.

> fvm remove <version>

List Installed Versions

List all the versions that are installed on your machine.

> fvm list

Change FVM Cache Directory

There are some configurations that allows for added flexibility on FVM. If no cache-path is set, the default fvm path will be used.

fvm config --cache-path <path-to-use>

List Config Options

Returns list of all stored options in the config file.

fvm config --ls

Running Flutter SDK

There are a couple of ways you can interact with the SDK setup in your project.

Proxy Commands

Flutter command within fvm proxies all calls to the CLI just changing the SDK to be the local one.

> fvm flutter run

This will run flutter run command using the local project SDK. If no FVM config is found in the project. FMV will recursively try for a version in a parent directory.

Call Local SDK Directly

FVM creates a symbolic link within your project called fvm which links to the installed version of the SDK.

> ./fvm run

This will run flutter run command using the local project SDK.

As an example calling fvm flutter run is the equivalent of calling flutter run using the local project SDK.

Configure Your IDE


Add the following to your settings.json. This will list list all Flutter SDKs installed when using VSCode when using Flutter: Change SDK

"dart.flutterSdkPaths": [

Add your IDE instructions here

Working with this repo


pub run test

Publishing package

Before pushing package to pub.dev. Run command to create version constant.

pub run build_runner build

Update test coverage

To update test coverage run the following command.

pub run test_coverage

Download Details:

Author: leoafarias

GitHub: https://github.com/leoafarias/fvm

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A simple cli to manage Flutter SDK versions per project
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