How to Install VMware Workstation Player on Ubuntu 18.04

VMware is a mature and stable virtualization solution that allows you to run multiple, isolated operating systems on a single machine.

With VMware Workstation Player you can create and run your own virtual machines and evaluate software distributed as a virtual appliance from many software vendors available from VMware’s Solution Exchange.

VMware Workstation Player is not open-source and it is free only for personal non-commercial use. If you are looking for an open-source virtualization platform, you should try Oracle’s VirtualBox.

This tutorial explains how to install VMware Workstation Player on Ubuntu 18.04. The same instructions apply for Ubuntu 16.04 and any other Debian based distribution, including Debian, Linux Mint and Elementary OS.

#ubuntu 18.04 #vmware workstation player

How to Install VMware Workstation Player on Ubuntu 18.04
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