Boost.Sync: Thread synchronization primitives for C++


Boost.Sync, part of collection of the Boost C++ Libraries, implements thread synchronization primitives.


  • build - Boost.Sync build scripts
  • doc - QuickBook documentation sources
  • include - Interface headers of Boost.Sync
  • src - Compilable source code of Boost.Sync
  • test - Boost.Sync unit tests

More information

  • Documentation
  • Report bugs. Be sure to mention Boost version, platform and compiler you're using. A small compilable code sample to reproduce the problem is always good as well.
  • Submit your patches as pull requests against develop branch. Note that by submitting patches you agree to license your modifications under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.

Build status

BranchGitHub ActionsAppVeyorTest MatrixDependencies
masterGitHub ActionsAppVeyorTestsDependencies
developGitHub ActionsAppVeyorTestsDependencies


Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.

Download details:

Author: boostorg


Boost.Sync: Thread synchronization primitives for C++
1.10 GEEK