If you’re looking to learn how to code in Java, you should be taking advantage of these resources. Whatever your preferred style of learning, there is something here for you.

In this tweet, I was asked if I had a list of resources for developers who are new to Java. I didn’t at the time, but I’ve spent some time researching, and here is that list.

I’ve listed content that is both free and paid. It’s not that one type is superior; it’s just to give you plenty of choices. These are the resources that I’ve used and do still use to re-learn Java. So, if you’re new to Java or looking to pick it up again after a break, this blog is for you.

The other super important point is that everyone learns differently; some like reading, some like doing, some like watching, and most of us like a bit of a mix of everything. I tend to switch between them depending on what I want to learn about and how I feel. You’re probably similar, so pick an approach that works for you.

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New to Java? Here Are Some Resources
1.10 GEEK