AngularJS is a must-have for any  full-stack developer. It is crucial for front-end development as it simplifies the use of HTML directives. Developing a web app becomes much easier when you use Angular. So in this article, we’ll discuss how you can get started with Angular. We’ll discuss how to install Angular and how to run an Angular project.

Angular CLI: A Brief Introduction

If you want to work on  Angular projects, you should have Angular CLI. It is Angular’s official tool for working on Angular projects and initializing them. Angular CLI reduces many hassles from the initialization process. You don’t have to perform multiple configurations and build tools to start a project if you’re using Angular CLI.

Angular CLI allows you to start a project with only one command. With another command, you can serve the project using a local development server. Angular CLI works on Node.js. So, to run Angular CLI on your system, you should have Node.js in your system first.

Node.js is for servers and to develop server-side applications, while Angular is a front end solution. Node.js helps you with Angular CLI only.

How to Install Angular?

First Step

Before you install Angular in your system, you should have Node and npm in your system. You can use the Node Version Manager to install it, or you can use the official package manager of your OS. You also have the option to install Node from its website. We recommend installing it from the website as it’s quick and straightforward. You’d only have to head to  the download page of node.js.

Second Step

Once you’re on the download page of node.js, select the version you need according to your operating system then follow the steps specified in the installation wizard. If you have already installed node.js in your system before, you can skip this step (and the previous one).

#angular project #running angular #angular

How to Run the Angular Project [Step-By-Step Explanation]
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