How To Create Non-Profit website design: Essential Tips+ Examples

Nonprofit websites don’t aim to sell any products or services to their visitors, but they still need to convince people to donate and support their cause. Websites are one of the primary ways that charity organizations prefer to reach their potential patrons.

Building a nonprofit website that appeals to "visitors," in the form of donors could be more challenging as it needs to:

=> Tell a powerful story for brand building

=> Raise awareness for the cause

=> Provoke emotions and a sense of urgency

=> Engage users and solicit action

An inspirational nonprofit website design not only inspires the visitor to take immediate action but also encourages visitors to connect with the cause. Additionally give them a reason to connect with the organization, such as to sign up for upcoming events, read newly-published reports, etc.

The success of such a social serving organization majorly depends on their nonprofit website designs. That’s the reason these nonprofit websites should be well-organized and easy to navigate. Considering the superior user experience they need to be visually appealing and have a feel-good vibe.

Below is a list of best practices to help you create a nonprofit website followed by some of the best nonprofit website design examples that are getting things right.

Essential Tips To Make Your Non Profit Website More Successful

1. Non-Profit Website Design Tip: Invest in a Nonprofit CMS

 A nonprofit CMS that’s actually designed for nonprofits websites only. Investing in a nonprofit CMS will be a profitable decision for your organization as it gives you support for managing your organization’s online output, without overspending on web design and site maintenance.

Pro Tip: While choosing any nonprofit CMS make sure it offers:

=> Powerful Blogging Tools.

=> Search Engine Optimization.

=> Robust Marketing Software.

=> Add-On Modules.

2. Non-Profit Website Design Tip: Make Sure to have Mobile Responsive Design

We all know that phones and tablets are so prevalent nowadays, having a responsive website now becomes the necessity of the online world.

Mobile-responsive sites are much more attractive to view and easier to interact with for mobile users apart from that they offer miraculous SEO benefits as well. If your nonprofit website design isn’t optimized for mobile devices, you might be deterring a majority of donors from connecting with your organization.

Pro Tip: Keep layouts vertically aligned, use larger fonts and buttons, and avoid cramming too many elements onto the page.

3. Non-Profit Website Design Tip: Make Navigation Intuitive

Unclear or cluttered navigation might frustrate visitors to the extent that they abandon your site if they can’t find what they’re looking for within a few seconds. Organized and transparent site navigation acts as a road map to direct visitors to various pages and information that they are looking for. It is fundamental in encouraging visitors to stay, peruse your content and have a positive user experience on your site.

Pro Tip: Ensure that your Non-Profit website design has clear and simple navigation for better content accessibility.

4. Non-Profit Website Design Tip: Implement Strong Website Security

With growing cyber theft and data breaches, it is essential to implement strong website security. Moreover, having a secure website protects you and your donors’ essential information so that you can build trust.

Pro Tip:

=> Use a secure password alternative, leverage tokenization for securing your donors’ account credentials.

=> Install a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Certificate onto your webserver to make it more secure.

6. Non-Profit Website Design Tip: Use Impactful Photos, images, graphics, and video

We all know visuals grab attention and speed up brain processing 60,000 times faster than text. Great visuals including engaging Photos, images, graphics, and video can make your site content more compelling and help you provoke emotions that tempt visitors to donate for the cause. Compelling Visual content can result in visitors spending more time on your website, and as per Google’s preferences, it will also improve ranking in search results.

Pro Tip: 

=> Use real pictures with emotional faces or any uniquely powerful imagery.

=> Add relevant video content on maybe how your organization works for the cause.

7. Non-Profit Website Design Tip: Use a prominent, global Donate button

If your non profit website is getting good traffic and visitors are staying on your site, what next they might look for?

Most probably they want to connect with the cause and want to donate but what if they have to struggle to find the donate button.

Of course, they can bounce back without making any donation.

So, make sure to have a clearly highlighted easy to find Donate button for potential donors.

Pro Tip: 

=> Create a well-designed Global Donate button CTA button.

=> Use color to guide visitors' attention toward specific calls to actions.

=> Make Sure to Place Your CTAs Correctly.

=> Please don't Overdo it.

8. Non-Profit Website Design Tip: Make Sure to have  SEO optimized Website

SEO Increases Organic Discovery & High-Quality Website Traffic, this will help you reach your potential donors.  And helps raise awareness of your organization's mission, work, and stories. Moreover, great organic ranking builds trust on your site and makes it easy for people to find your organization who care about a social issue.

Pro Tip: SEO tips for nonprofit websites

=> Create Effective Content: write about what you do!

=> Optimize for your brand Image.

=> Use the Right Target Keywords.

=> Use Great Visuals.

=> Follow On-Page Best Practices.

=> LeverageOff-Page SEO as well.

=> Optimize  Your Website For Local SEO.

=> Stay Updated on SEO Trends.

9. Non-Profit Website Design Tip: Build a content strategy for better reach

A well-crafted content strategy gives a clear idea of not only how you are going to represent your nonprofit organization but also of what cause you are working for and how potential donors’ can also join that cause. It is a strategy that helps you extend your site’s reach and put forth quality content. It’s only effective content that can make your organization’s name and your mission known and plays a vital role in telling your story impactfully.

Pro Tip: 

=> Create Your Content Production Plan

=> Identify Your Content Distribution Channels

=> Define Your Key Performance Measures

=> Publish quality content on a regular basis

10. Non-Profit Website Design Tip: Tell a Powerful Brand Story that Provoke Emotions

Effective storytelling helps your nonprofit connect emotionally with current and prospective potential supporters. It can help you reach your goals by inspiring your donors and deepen the relationship between your community and cause. By using effective storytelling you can highlight the great work you are doing.

Pro Tip: 

Cast a big vision through storytelling and appeal to Core Human Values. Make them feel Proud to Fundraise.

Best Nonprofit Website Design Examples 

Here are a few examples of the best Nonprofit Website Designs that will help you understand how to create a non profit organization website.

1. Charity: Water

Charity: Water is a non-profit organization bringing clean drinking water to people living in the marginalized sections of the developing countries.Let’s see what makes their site appealing:

=> Intuitive Images with the right placement

=> Simpler navigation 

=> Excellent theme

=> Well place, effective CTAs

=> Impactful headings

=> Well organized footer

=> Mobile-friendly and responsive design

2. Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity is a US non-governmental, and nonprofit organization that helps people around the world build or improve a place they can call home. Let’s see what makes their site Amazing:

=> Simple but Attractive site design

=> Great use of monochromatic grids to represent information

=> The search bar at the header

=> Simple navigation

=> Mobile Responsive

=> Connected with Social media

=> Effective content

3. One Drop

One Drop Foundation is a non profit organization that provides access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene to millions of people across the world. Let’s see What makes their site Outstanding:

=> Modern  non profit website design

=> Beautiful color scheme

=> Great combination of images

=> Beautiful Typography

=> Real photo’s provoking Emotions

=> Inspiration videos

=> Interactive web element

=> Looks great on mobile

=> Offer great visual content

=> Effective CTA’s

We have covered just three websites but there are many more such as social welfare organizations leveraging Non-Profit website design and transforming millions of lives.

Final Thoughts on Nonprofit Website Design:

Although after seeing the great examples of nonprofit website design hope you have a better understanding of what all elements you need to add to create a non profit website that outperforms and helps you in your cause. 

Let’s have quick glance at essential tips to make your non profit website design more intuitive :

=> Modern  non profit website design

=> Simple navigation

=> Impactful visuals with the right placement

=> The well crafted globalized donation button

=> Great visuals for effective storytelling

=> Real image to provoke emotions

=> Suitable themes and colors

Good-looking websites help nonprofits to reach more people and motivate visitors to connect with the causes. If you run a nonprofit organization, need a website, feel free to use these examples as samples for your new site. You can take the help of a professional nonprofit website design agency. They can help you with compelling websites to solidify your web presence and make your dream come true of helping humanity!

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