Let’s learn how to create a flutter news app made with Flutter and NewsApi Org. Step by Step for Beginners/Intermediate with Source Code

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How does this App work?

We get breaking news headlines and search for articles from news sources and blogs all over the web with news API and Flutter. We can also browse through different news based on categories.

so let’s get started I have divided this blogs into Steps so that it’s easy to follow, let’s continue

**1.Create Free Account at **NewsApi.org

click on get API Key and then register with first name, email, and pass then check all the checkboxes and click submit.

On the home page, you will also be able to see the response so that we can understand how to structure our HTTP request.

2.Create a new Flutter Project

this can be done via Android Studio, VS Code or Terminal/CMD, make sure you have successfully  installed flutter on your system.

#api #flutter news #flutter #newsapi org

How to Build a Flutter News App with NewsApi Org
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