In this tutorial, I will show how to use Java-Websocket Library together with Kotlin. It will be a simple app. The app opens a connection to the Coinbase Pro Websocket Feed by using Java-Websocket. When the connection is open the app will get the realtime Bitcoin price in Euro from Coinbase Pro. This is a step by step tutorial.


You should already be familiar with Kotlin and Android development. I am using Android Studio 4.0.1. You should also know that a connection to a web socket is bidirectional. Once the connection is open the communication can happen to both sides from server to client or client to server. In case you are more interested in the differences between HTTP and web sockets, I recommend watching this YouTube video.

#websocket #kotlin #java #tutorial #android-app-development

Android Tutorial Part 1 Using Java-WebSocket With Kotlin
29.10 GEEK