Lately, I’ve been talking about my move into the Web3, Ethereum, and crypto space since making the switch from a traditional web, mobile, and cloud background.

Since making that move, a shocking number of people have reached out to me who are also thinking about doing the same.

It’s really great to see so many other people interested in these fields. And if I’m being honest – it feels validating to know that so many others are also on the fence and are so deeply interested in the space as well.

As for me, I was nervous about making the career switch. Moving into a completely new area of specialization, with a technology I was still getting ramped up on, and a community I was not yet involved with, was a big leap. Especially compared to a very comfortable role with a FAANG company that paid really well (and a team that I really loved).

After over a month, I have zero regrets with the change. I’m also the happiest I’ve been in a long time, and am excited and energized about the things I have the opportunity to work on everyday.

I decided to write this post to give a blueprint for anyone looking to get into blockchain, crypto, Ethereum, and Web3 from a traditional development background. I can point people to this blog post the next time I get asked how to get into the space.

I’ll break this article up into a few main parts:

  1. Technologies and resources to learn
  2. Tradeoffs and considerations
  3. People to follow
  4. Companies hiring and doing interesting stuff
  5. General tips and landing a job

Let’s dive in.

#crypto #web3 #developer #ethereum #blockchain

How to Break into Ethereum, Crypto, and Web3 as a Developer
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