Part 4: Creating layouts in Flutter .
PS: This is the fourth part in my series of Flutter for Beginners. If you feel like checking out the remaining parts, the links are at the end of the article.

The most important thing about any app is the look and feel of the app and how users can interact with it. Or in more technical terms, the User Interface(UI) and User Experience(UX) of your app. While a lot of people can argue about how backend or database design or “functionality” of the app is more important, let’s face it, no one will use your app if:

  1. It is not easy on the eyes.
  2. It’s not easy to use. If a user has to perform a lot of steps to achieve something in your app, They’ll probably not do it.
  3. There is nothing visual about it which can grab their attention.

That being said, let’s have a look at layouts and placment of widgets in Flutter.

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Layouts in Flutter
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