How to create an Angular directive to write and parse markdown to HTML using Stackedit.js

Why use Stackedit?

Stackedit is a popular and widely trusted in-browser markdown editor. It is an open-source and full-featured editor based on PageDown, the WYSIWYG-style Markdown library used by Stack Overflow.As it is a Progressive Web Application (PWA) that you can download and use as a desktop application.Here are its’ main features…

WYSIWYG controls

The WYSIWYG controls come in the form of some formatting buttons and shortcuts. This is thanks to PageDown.

Live Preview with Scroll Sync

StackEdit’s Scroll Sync feature accurately binds the scrollbars of the editor panel and the preview panel. This helps you to keep an eye on the output while writing.

Rich Markdown editor

StackEdit’s Markdown syntax highlighting is unique. The editor provides text formatting that helps you to visualize the final rendering of your markdown.Writing markdown with Stackedit is easy.

#javascript #programming #angular #developer

Angular Markdown with Stackedit.js
13.60 GEEK