Everybody knows Google Chrome is the most popular web browsers in the globe and rightfully so. With a whopping 66 percent share in the browser market worldwide, there is no denying Chrome’s popularity despite the stagnancy in its growth over the last few years. With every single release, Google is trying to make Chrome better by fixing bugs and adding cutting-edge functionalities. Moreover, web developers are coming up with useful extensions for Chrome, which is also one of its best features- its extensibility. If you’re a web developer, the number of Chrome extensions for developers you’ll find in the store can make life easier and boost productivity for you.

We know what you are thinking- how to pick these extensions?

Well, we don’t want you to stumble blindly through the Chrome Web Store to find these extensions, that’s why we’ve compiled a list of Chrome web extensions that we think you should consider.

#web development

27 Best Chrome Extensions For Developers In 2020
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