In today’s world where our everyday activities are closely intertwined with a wide array of apps, we often imagine what does a software developer do? software developers to be these tech wizards, weaving magic in their cyberdom to create these mind-boggling applications which make our lives easier. Be it telling us about the prevailing weather conditions or helping us shop while lazing in our couches, apps and their multifaceted functionalities have empowered us to perform all the necessary tasks at a mere touch of a tab on our phone screens.

Sometimes one can’t help wonder, how do the brains behind these feats actually work, and for many of us uninitiated it seems like a wondrous space of software and machines and whatnot. While software and codes are the fulcrum upon which development rests, the process may not be all that enchanting. Rather, with the availability of the right tools it is pretty methodical.

Effectively, the life of a software developer revolves around the cyclical pattern of develop, test and deploy. For a smooth user experience of an application, the main challenge confronting the developers is flawless automation, otherwise, the cycle of development, testing, and deployment will become regressive and will substantially damage the applicability and the apps that we all depend so much on will lose much more than their oomph.

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