In this Selenium Python tutorial, I’ll give you a detailed look at performing Selenium test automation with Python Behave, a behavior-driven test automation framework.

Below are the sub-topics covered as a part of this Selenium Python tutorial:


  1. What is BDD in Python Behave?
  • Test Scenarios In BDD
  • Advantages of BDD
  • BDD Scenarios and Feature Files in Gherkin
  1. Getting Started With Behave In Python For Behaviour Testing
  • What is Behave in Python?
    -Context in Python Behave
    -Environmental Controls ( In Python Behave
    -How To Install Python Behave & Other Dependencies For Selenium Test Automation
    -Directory (Project) Structure
  • How to Run tests on Behave and Selenium WebDriver ?
  • Using Python Behave With Cloud Selenium Grid
  • Pros and Cons of Python Behave Framework

#automation #selenium python #selenium tutorial

Selenium Python Tutorial: Getting Started With BDD In Behave | LambdaTest
15.10 GEEK